Welcome to the Writing Arts

Where writing is a tool to engage in meaning-making for the purpose of bettering one’s soul.



I’m Neha Mediratta Chaudhuri, a writer who has a tough time naming her characters and an editor who enjoys frolicking among commas, semicolons, long-winding sentences and short terse ones.

My areas of inquiry and exploration span philosophy, history, biology, medicine esp. Eastern medical sciences, Ancient Indian Physical Culture, ancient and modern forms of communication, performing arts and creative arts esp. cultural development via oral transmission, rituals and their secular modern-day version i.e. habits, as well as diverse life styles. The writing arts, in particular, grab most of my time and attention.

Years of Writing
Years of Editing

Fiction on Amazon

101 Stories in 101 Words

The Honesty Programs

Fire Wears Flesh

“All love, in essence, generates fire – for there is a lot of burning involved in each practical action of loving – at home, in the world, or within one’s conflicted self.


The writing arts

A key set of questions drive all endeavours here.

What makes for a good wo/man across time and space, not just today?

What defines the parts of the sum total of ‘a good life’ as seen from different
ages of a single being’s life across history, and from today’s technological
perspectives? And why?

In essence: How is what drives us today better or worse than what drove our
ancestors 100 years ago, 1000 years ago, 5000 years ago, 10,000 years ago.
In further essence: What makes us – us?