The Writing Arts

My Work

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I write fiction, non-fiction, wellness and perspective pieces. You can check out my books at Amazon.

An article on being kinder to oneself with respect to one’s art:

A perspective piece on Nature, science and our habits:

Sounding Board

The Understanding Creativity and Creative Writing Course by Prof. Neelima Talwar at the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, IIT Bombay for whom I was the Research Assistant during the three years of video-making and classroom teaching.

This specially designed course, with a curriculum and structure that can be adapted by colleges in India, for developing a Master's Degree in Creativity and Creative Writing was filmed under the National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning.


I work on the skeletal system, joints and muscles of writing projects so they can stand on their own.

"Articulate comes from Latin articulātus, the past participle of articulāre “to divide into separate, distinct parts,” a derivative of the noun articulus “joint (of a body), point (of time), clause or section (of a contract or law), a single word in a phrase, clause, or sentence pronounced by itself, a pronoun or pronominal adjective, an article (definite or indefinite).” -


Julie Duffy’s Story A Day in May began as an annual short story challenge where writers – novice or advanced – from around the world come together and write a story a day, in May every year.

Story A Day focuses on making space for the artist in you to enjoy the process of creation. Come be part of it this month!

It has been my good fortune to be an active participant in this vibrant community for the past 13 years.

Writer and teacher, Holly Lisle loves her craft. Her love shows in her fiction, articles, writing courses and writer community.

With some grit and willingness to pursue all that makes you uncomfortable, her classes offer a structure from start to end for the writer to hone their craft.

I’ve been part of Holly Lisle’s writing community for well over a decade.

Gabriela Pereira began Do-It-Yourself Masters in Fine Arts with a view to open opportunities for pursuing higher studies-like experience  for people who couldn’t get into universities for several reasons – like elderly care, child care, economic hardship etc.

The DIYMFA community has been a regular base of mine for over half a decade now.
